Prince Edward County’s Newspaper of Record
July 26, 2024
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December 20, 2023
Volume 193 No. 51

Toxic Terminal

Thank you for bringing the seriousness and problematic issue of Picton Terminal back to our attention. I applaud the Gazette‘s efforts with the topics that concern us all.

This ongoing threat of contaminated waters and contamination around that whole area is most concerning. It appears the owners will stop at nothing, not even the danger of poisoning us, for their toxic cargo.
I don’t trust our drinking water, after years of run-off from that site.
Many people are on a poverty-level income and yet have to buy bottled water because we cannot feel our water source is safe.
It is high time something is done to control or stop the industrial terminal in Picton Bay.
I  I have written to Council in the past to express concern about Picton Terminals and drinking water, but get no response at all.
No matter how they try to tell us it’s safe, these kinds of hazardous materials have no place near drinking water.
Hedy Campbell, Picton
This text is from the Volume 193 No. 51 edition of The Picton Gazette
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