Prince Edward County’s Newspaper of Record
July 24, 2024
25° Partly Cloudy

Some more reasons why YOU should subscribe to The Picton Gazette

<p>The Gazette Banner, 1974</p>
The Gazette Banner, 1974

The Gazette is interested in YOU, your friends and family. It is news of people and events with which YOU are directly interested.

Gazette advertisements assist YOU in shopping, telling about special bargains, or new products or services available from business firms in THIS community.

Coming events advertised in The Gazette keep you informed on what is going on in YOUR community.

Gazette columnists such as Harry Evans, Phil Dodds and Terry Sprague offer witty or provocative comments and can be highly entertaining or informative.

Letters to the Editor offer opinions of your fellow residents on local issues.

The Classified Advertising columns offer a convenient market place for you to either shop or sell.

Special legal notices for municipal councils which may directy involve you as a resident or taxpayer are authorized by the Ontario Municipal Act only in “the local newspaper.” For Prince Edward County, this is The Picton Gazette.

Editorial comment in The Gazette is mainly directed to local issues and problems.

The Gazette is the only newspaper in Prince Edward County giving extensive coverage of local sports of all types.

Direct coverage of local councils and boards and other news events in the community help keep you informed and enhance your knowledge and value as a citizen.

The Gazette serves as a record for your family and the community as a whole.

The new offset process to which The Gazette is converting, offers additional news content, larger sized type for easier reading and clearer photographs.

This text is from the Volume 194 No. 8 edition of The Picton Gazette
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Canada’s oldest weekly newspaper
© 2024 The Picton Gazette
Since 1830
Funded by the Government of Canada
Ontario Community Newspapers Association